Among the accepted submissions to the conference program, an award will be given for the best contribution to creative communication. The award targets the most innovative contribution to concepts and products that combine creativity and communication in ways that influence the way people use digital media in the future. An accepted submission, in any category, is eligible for the award. Of particular interest are artworks, technology demonstrations, and technical papers that report on newly designed systems or artefacts. The award is intended to promote designers, artists, and technologists who are innovating for a more creative and connected world. The award will include a certificate, complimentary registration to the 2017 ACM Creativity & Cognition conference, and £ 1000 paid directly to the primary author of the selected submission.
The award is in memory of Emma Candy.
Selection Criteria
The award will go to the submmission that the committee judges as the best submission against criteria 1 and 2, while also adequately satisfying the remaining criteria.