C&C '17- Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition
Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library
SESSION: Keynote 1 by Kumiyo Nakakoji
Ellen Y. Do
Instrumenting Interaction for Inspiration and Imagination
Kumiyo Nakakoji
SESSION: Interaction and Experience
Sara Jones
Sharing the Housebound Experience through Visual Storytelling
Jenny Waycott
Hilary Davis
The Willful Marionette: Exploring Responses to Embodied Interaction
Kazjon Grace
Stephanie Grace
Mary Lou Maher
Mohammad Javad Mahzoon
Lina Lee
Lilla LoCurto
Bill Outcault
The Temporal Window: Explicit Representation of Future Actions in Improvisational Performances
Alex Mitchell
Jude Yew
Prashanth Thattai
Benjamin Loh
Dennis Ang
Lonce Wyse
Designing for Socially Interactive Systems
Duri Long
Mikhail Jacob
Nicholas Davis
Brian Magerko
SESSION: The Art and Science of Making
Eli Blevis
Fabrication Games: Using 3D Printers to Explore New Interactions for Tabletop Games
Srinjita Bhaduri
Jesús G. Ortiz Tovar
Shaun K. Kane
Joinery: Parametric Joint Generation for Laser Cut Assemblies
Clement Zheng
Ellen Yi-Luen Do
Jim Budd
Toward Creative Engagement of Soft Haptic Toys with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Jinsil Hwaryoung Seo
Pavithra Aravindan
Annie Sungkajun
Share Once or Share Often?: Exploring How Designers Approach Iteration in a Large Online Community
Patrick A. Crain
Brian P. Bailey
SESSION: Crowd Ideation
Kurt Luther
Semantically Far Inspirations Considered Harmful?: Accounting for Cognitive States in Collaborative Ideation
Joel Chan
Pao Siangliulue
Denisa Qori McDonald
Ruixue Liu
Reza Moradinezhad
Safa Aman
Erin T. Solovey
Krzysztof Z. Gajos
Steven P. Dow
Crowdboard: Augmenting In-Person Idea Generation with Real-Time Crowds
Salvatore Andolina
Hendrik Schneider
Joel Chan
Khalil Klouche
Giulio Jacucci
Steven Dow
BlueSky: Crowd-Powered Uniform Sampling of Idea Spaces
Gaoping Huang
Alexander J. Quinn
Bringing the Wisdom of the Crowd to an Individual by Having the Individual Assume Different Roles
Jaime Teevan
Lisa Yu
SESSION: Keynote 2 by Elizabeth F. Churchill
David A. Shamma
Material Experience Research: Evidentiary Encounters with Creativity
Elizabeth F. Churchill
SESSION: Enhancing Creative Performance
Celine Latulipe
Bitter Sweet or Sweet Bitter?: How Valence Order and Source Identity Influence Feedback Acceptance
Y. Wayne Wu
Brian P. Bailey
Creativity and Emotion: Enhancing Creative Thinking by the Manipulation of Computational Feedback to Determine Emotional Intensity
Alwin de Rooij
Philip J. Corr
Sara Jones
Listen to Others, Listen to Yourself: Combining Feedback Review and Reflection to Improve Iterative Design
Yu-Chun Grace Yen
Steven P. Dow
Elizabeth Gerber
Brian P. Bailey
Beyond Level Blueprints: Visualizing the Progression of Emotion and Narrative Driven Games
Huaxin Wei
Betty Durango
SESSION: Creativity in the (Actual) Wild
Kazjon Grace
Digital Naturalist Design Guidelines: Theory, Investigation, Development, and Evaluation of a Computational Media Framework to Support Ethological Exploration
Andrew Quitmeyer
The First Hiking Hacks: Exploring Mobile Making for Digital Naturalism
Andrew Quitmeyer
Culturally-Grounded Analysis of Everyday Creativity in Social Media: A Case Study in Qatari Context
D. Fox Harrell
Sarah Vieweg
Haewoon Kwak
Chong-U Lim
Sercan Sengun
Ali Jahanian
Pablo Ortiz
Establishing Digital Creativity Support in Non-Creative Work Environments
Neil Maiden
Konstantinos Zachos
James Lockerbie
Kasia Camargo
Shaun Hoddy
SESSION: Posters and Technology Demonstrations
Pablo Cesar Cesar
Brian Bailey
The Creative Proteus Effect: How Self-Similarity, Embodiment, and Priming of Creative Stereotypes with Avatars Influences Creative Ideation
Alwin de Rooij
Sarah van der Land
Shelly van Erp
Storytelling as a Creative Activity in the Classroom
Alejandro Catala
Mariët Theune
Hannie Gijlers
Dirk Heylen
3D Shadow Art Sculpture Based On Real Items
Yanxiang Zhang
Dong Dong
Yanlong Guo
Investigating Players' Engagement, Immersion, and Experiences in Playing Pokémon Go
Aung Pyae
Mika Luimula
Jouni Smed
Structural Coupling on Creative Interfaces
Wallace S. Lages
Pablo Gobira
Francisco Marinho
Technology Demo of using Real-time Biofeedback of Heart Rate Variability Measures to Track and Help Improve Levels of Attention and Relaxation
Gareth Loudon
Dimitrios Zampelis
Twittener: Listen to your Twitter Feed
Yohan Fernandopulle
Rianne W. Meurzec
Ng Hong Quan
Fairul Akmaruddin
Owen Noel Newton Fernando
Tangible Air: An Interactive Installation for Visualising Audience Engagement
Thomas Röggla
Chen Wang
Lilia Perez Romero
Jack Jansen
Pablo Cesar
Tainted: Smell the Virtual Ghost
Nimesha Ranasinghe
Koon Chuan Raymond Koh
Daniel Chua
Barry Chew
Yan Liangkun
Thi Ngoc Tram Nguyen
Kala Shamaiah
Siew Geuk Choo
David Tolley
Shienny Karwita
Ellen Yi-Luen Do
Lunhui: Upcycled Creations
Mengyu Cao
Technology Demonstration: Augmented Design Ideation
Benjamin C. Stopher
Oliver J. Smith
SESSION: Creating and Sharing Experiences
Nanna Inie
Supporting Non-Musicians? Creative Engagement with Musical Interfaces
Yongmeng Wu
Nick Bryan-Kinns
Felt Sense through Auditory Display: A Design Case Study into Sound for Somatic Awareness while Walking
Frank Feltham
Lian Loke
Networked Pixels: Strategies for Building Visual and Auditory Images with Distributed Independent Devices
Sam Ferguson
Anthony Rowe
Oliver Bown
Liam Birtles
Chris Bennewith
Qualities of Focus
Eli Blevis
SESSION: Sensing and Visualizing Experience
Sam Ferguson
Long Live the Sensor! Designing with Energy Harvesting
Zhide Loh
Jung-Joo Lee
Kee Hong Song
The Play Is a Hit: But How Can You Tell?
Chen Wang
Pablo Cesar
Using Real-time Biofeedback of Heart Rate Variability Measures to Track and Help Improve Levels of Attention and Relaxation
Gareth Loudon
Dimitrios Zampelis
Gina Deininger
Creative Sense-Making: Quantifying Interaction Dynamics in Co-Creation
Nicholas Davis
Chih-Pin Hsiao
Kunwar Yashraj Singh
Brenda Lin
Brian Magerko
SESSION: Sense Making for Creativity
Jenny Waycott
Dimensional Reasoning and Research Design Spaces
Stephen MacNeil
Johanna Okerlund
Celine Latulipe
Strategies of Free-Form Web Curation: Processes of Creative Engagement with Prior Work
Andruid Kerne
Nic Lupfer
Rhema Linder
Yin Qu
Alyssa Valdez
Ajit Jain
Kade Keith
Matthew Carrasco
Jorge Vanegas
Andrew Billingsley
A Typology of Design Ideas
Nanna Inie
Peter Dalsgaard
Creative Information Use Among Young Adults: Challenges for Learning and Opportunities for Media (Re)Design
Yong Ming Kow
Yunan Chen
Waikuen Cheng
Shun Hei Nit
SESSION: Keynote 3 by Sonny Liew
Jude C.L. Yew
The Art of Kenny Who?
Sonny Liew
SESSION: Artworks
Markéta Dolejsová
Nancy Mauro-Flude
Emotion Hero
Ruben van de Ven
Learn to Fail
Isabelle Desjeux
Beyond Visualization: Plotting Multivariate Data as Video, Music, and Food
Thomas Kai Levine
Let Them Eat cake!
Audrey Samson
Francisco Gallardo
Let's Make Love: A One-on-one Performance Installation
Jennifer Jamieson
Study for a Camera on a Plot of Land in the Desert
Gottfried Haider
Do Silhouettes Dream?
Yannis Kalantidis
Cheng Xu
Clayton Mellina
Posthuman Research
Darina Alster
Digital Storytelling
Tiffany Sanchez
Jinsil Hwaryoung Seo
Yarncraft and Cognition: An Art Installation
Kathleen Quitmeyer
Andrew Quitmeyer
Three Exercises for the Visual Sensorium
Diana Lindbjerg
No Such Luck
Hans Tan
A Tangible Interface for Contemporary Wayang Kulit
Miguel Escobar Varela
Daniel Sim Yong En
Aquatocene / Subaquatic Quest for Serenity
Robertina Šebjanić
What is the Human?: Imagining the Self as Post-human
Anatol Bologan
Jinsil Hwaryoung Seo
Better Hands
Wallace S. Lages
Pablo Gobira
Francisco Marinho
Child In The Wild
John McCormick
Adam Nash
"In Running"
Leyna Marika Papach
( 2,2 ) 0
Nazare Soares
Øystein Kjørstad Fjeldbo
Amalia Fonfara
Music for Various Groups of Performers (After Lucier): An Improvised Electroencephalographic Group Performance
Richie Cyngler
Food Phreaking
Zack Denfeld
An Autonomous Writing Machine
Bill Hart
Svenja Kratz
Aaron Horsley
SESSION: Graduate Student Symposium
Kurt Luther
Elizabeth F. Churchill
Increasing Feedback Receptivity by Moderating Negative Valence
Y. Wayne Wu
SketchTivity: Improving Creativity by Learning Sketching with an Intelligent Tutoring System
Blake Williford
To Decompose Is to Create: Supporting Creativity by Incorporating Nature in Design
Szu-Yu (Cyn) Liu
Measuring Creativity: Multi-Scale Visual and Conceptual Design Analysis
Ajit Jain
Evaluating Play Experiences
Johanna Okerlund
Towards Lifelong Interactive Learning For Open-ended Embodied Narrative Improvisation
Mikhail Jacob
Using 3D Modeling and Prediction as a Lens into Student Design Processes
Srinjita Bhaduri
Enhancing the Usage of Crowd Feedback for Iterative Design
Yu-Chun (Grace) Yen
Notational Communication with Co-creative Systems: Studying Improvements to Musical Coordination
Prashanth Thattai Ravikumar
DrumBall: Design and Implementation of a Digital Orality Hypermedia System
Pierre Tchetgen
Exploring the Effects of Physical Embodiment in a Puzzle-Based Educational Programming Game
Edward F. Melcer
Designers' Experience on the Cloud
Julija Naskova
Difficulty in Video Games: Understanding the Effects of Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment in Video Games on Player Experience
Dennis Ang
WORKSHOP SESSION: Workshop Summaries
Pablo Cesar
Creative Coding for the Raspberry Pi using the HappyBrackets Platform
Sam Ferguson
Oliver Bown
How can Computers Support, Enrich, and Transform Collaborative Creativity?
Peter Dalsgaard
Nanna Inie
Nicolai Brodersen Hansen
Creative Artefacts and Digital Technology: Enriching Urban Societies through Interactive Experiences
Cynthia C.S. Liem
Andrew Quitmeyer