San Diego, CA, June 23-26 2019
The 12th conference on Creativity & Cognition will be located in San Diego, CA at the Hyatt Regency Mission Bay on June 23-26, 2019. Since 1993, this conference series brings together artists, scientists, designers, educators, and researchers to more deeply understand how people engage individually and socially in creative processes and how computation and other technology can affect creative outcomes. Creativity involves the generation, exploration, and interpretation of novel and valuable ideas, and spans a wide variety of fields, including the humanities, social sciences, engineering, art, design, choreography, computer science, psychology, and education. C&C 2019 invites contributions in typical research formats -- papers, posters, demos, workshops--and in more sensory, experiential forms--pictorials and artworks. See the call for participation for more details.
The theme for C&C 2019 highlights the transformational impact that human and computational aspects of creativity can have on our communities and cultures. In an increasingly digital world, we seek to design interactive techniques and tools that mindfully and ethically augment and amplify human creativity for social good across all human endeavors. To support this theme, C&C will be co-located with the conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2019). The conferences will host a shared Art Show event and one-full day of conference programming to support dialogue between the two overlapping communities.
Attending C&C 2019? Please provide your feedback to the organizers here.
CrowdMuse: Supporting Crowd Idea Generation through User Modeling and Adaptation
Victor Girotto (Arizona State University), Erin Walker (University of Pittsburgh), Winslow Burleson (New York University)
Honorable Mentions:
LeMo: Exploring Virtual Space for Collaborative Creativity
Doing Collaborative Digital Advertising Conceptualization: An Ethnomethodological Study
Mutation: Leveraging Performing Arts Practices in Cyborg Transitioning
Is Deafness A Disability? Designing Hearing Aids Beyond Functionality
Towards Locative Systems for, and by, Children: A Cognitive Map Study of Children's Perceptions and Design Suggestions
Cláudia Silva (ITI / LARSyS, Madeira-ITI), Catia Prandi (ITI / LARSyS, U. Bologna), Marta Ferreira (ITI / LARSyS, INESC-ID), Valentina Nisi (ITI / LARSyS, U. Madeira), Nuno Jardim Nunes (ITI / LARSyS, IST - U. Lisbon)
Click here for free access to the full C&C proceedings from the ACM Digital Library.
The 12th Creativity and Cognition technical program includes three days of research presentations. The third day will overlap with DIS 2019, and attendees will have a chance to attend participate in joint conference papers, panels, and other activities.
Art exhibition and performances hosted at UC San Diego's Qualcomm Institute, including the gallery@CALIT2, a black box theatre, VR caves, and the Atkinson Hall auditorium with ultra high-definition projection.
Through a diverse program of demonstrations, posters, panels, pictorials, and workshops.
Sunday kicks off the conference with 7 interactive C&C and DIS workshops. Many workshops are still accepting submissions to participate; see the list of workshops for submission requirements and types.
We have an extraordinary line-up of researchers and artists from the worlds of music, cognitive science, film, and robotics. Read more details on the Keynotes page.
San Diego has been called "the birthplace of California", and is particularly well-known for its wonderful climate, extensive beaches, long association with the United States Navy, and as a major healthcare and biotechnology development center. It is rated no. 2 most inventive city in the world by Forbes 2013 and the only North American city among the National Geographic 2015 “World Smart Cities”. More than 100 languages are spoken by San Diego residents, who come from all over the world to settle. It’s physical proximity to Tijuana is beautifully reflected in the food, architecture, art and spirit of of the city.
San Diego is also a major educational hub with 80-plus educational and research institutes in the region. It is home to UCSD, a continuously high-ranked institution that is especially known for its computer science, visual arts and cognitive science departments. UCSD features the Design Lab, directed by Don Norman, which serves both as a research center and as a catalyst for San Diego's rapidly growing design community.
Creativity & Cognition aims to make this conference a welcoming and safe environment for all attendees, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or age. The organizers do not tolerate harassment of any kind. See the Diversity and Inclusion Statement for more information.
We seek proposals for hosting the Creativity & Cognition series in 2021. The CfP for C&C 2021 page describes what is included in a proposal. Proposals are due by May 30th 2019.