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Become a Sponsor

In June 2024 in Chicago, IL, the premier ACM Creativity and Cognition (C&C) conference will bring together diverse communities of designers, artists, crafters, educators, and researchers. 

The C&C conference is now well-established in the ACM SIGCHI calendar as an annual event that brings together researchers and practitioners from different disciplines to explore themes around digital technologies, creativity, design and innovation with about 140 attendees for our in-person conference.

Sponsoring this event is an ideal opportunity to indicate your organization’s commitment to research on design and creativity, and to publicize this support to many leaders and students in the field. Sponsors play a vital role in sustaining the economic viability and proud tradition of strong participation for this conference each year. Sponsorship helps to keep registration fees affordable for academic researchers and students, and enables student volunteers (future leaders in the field!) to receive complimentary registration.

All sponsorship will go towards supporting the conference. We offer three corporate support levels: Gold, Silver, and Friends, whose benefits and costs are outlined below. If interested in sponsoring C&C, please contact the Sponsorship co-chairs (

Gold sponsors ($5000 or greater contribution)

Gold sponsors will receive:

  • 4 free registrations for people from your organization to attend the conference.
  • Organization’s logo in signage at the conference and on the website as a Gold sponsor.
  • Grateful acknowledgement of your organization’s contribution at the conference opening and closing sessions.
  • A dedicated page on the conference website. This can include logos, pictures, and text.
  • First priority for a demo booth to showcase your organization’s products, services, or innovative research in the Conference Demonstration event.
  • Acknowledgement in the conference program and the related event venue as the exclusive sponsors of one of the conference social events. The events available for Benefactors are: the welcome reception, the conference banquet, the Demo/Poster reception, the Art Opening Reception and coffee breaks.


Silver sponsors ($2500 or greater contribution)

Silver Sponsors will receive:

  • 2 free registrations for people from your organization to attend the conference.
  • Organization’s logo in signage at the conference and on the website as a Silver sponsor.
  • Grateful acknowledgement of your organization’s contribution at the conference opening and closing sessions.
  • A dedicated page on the conference website. This can include logos, pictures, and text.
  • Second priority for a demo booth to showcase your organization’s products, services, or innovative research in the Conference Demonstration event.


Friends of C&C ($1000 or greater contribution)

Friends of C&C will receive:

  • 1 free registration for a person from your organization to attend the conference.
  • Organization’s logo in signage at the conference and on the website.