Important Dates
Submission Deadline: April 3, 2025 11:59 p.m.
Notifications: April 24, 2025 11:59 p.m.
Camera-Ready Deadline: May 8, 2025 11:59 p.m.
Deadlines are specified as Anywhere on Earth time.
Graduate Student Symposium Chairs
Jane L. E, Stanford University
Steven P. Dow, UC San Diego
Lydia B. Chilton, Columbia University
Contact: gss2025@cc.acm.org
- Virtual conference (virtual GSS)
- 3-4 hour Zoom (authors of accepted submissions are required to attend)
- 10-minute individual presentation
- Time for feedback from mentors and other participants
- Time for general career and research discussion and advising
Call Description
The Graduate Student Symposium (GSS) provides a forum in which students have a unique opportunity to meet and discuss their work with each other and a panel of experienced researchers and practitioners. The forum offers an informal and interactive setting for acquiring feedback on current research and creative explorations and to receive guidance on challenges and future directions. Applications may address any of the topics, approaches and disciplines related to creativity and cognition. The main conference theme this year is Creativity for Change. Please refer to the main Call for Papers for more information on the conference.
For the GSS at C&C 2025, we welcome applications from graduate students enrolled in a research-oriented doctoral program or other terminal degree program (e.g. MFA) in any of the disciplines and approaches related to creativity and cognition. Applicants should have an established direction of research relevant to the conference. In addition, their research should be focused and advanced enough that they will benefit from guidance and feedback provided by peers and senior colleagues at the GSS.
Applicants for the GSS should submit a) a research document summarizing their research goals, plans, and current progress, b) a brief biographical sketch, and c) a letter of support. Upon acceptance at the GSS, participants will be asked to upload a brief video of their presentation, see details below.
The research document must be entirely authored by the doctoral student. It should introduce the relevant research including its aim, scope, and expected contribution as well as the design and/or arts context. Additionally, the document should briefly summarize completed work at the time of submission and ongoing work, and lay out a planned trajectory of work toward thesis completion. The document should make it clear how the student’s work is specifically appropriate to the Creativity & Cognition 2025 conference and community.
The biographical sketch should serve as a letter of introduction for the applicant and include a list of any relevant publications. The sketch should explicate the applicant’s motivation for applying and expected benefits from participating in the GSS. Also, the sketch should state what the applicant would like to get feedback on during the GSS, e.g., how to best deploy a novel method, set up a specific study, bridge gaps in existing theory, develop interdisciplinary perspectives, etc.
The letter of support should come from the student’s primary advisor and should indicate that the work has reached the appropriate level of maturity for presentation in the Creativity & Cognition GSS venue.
The video should not be included in the initial submission to the GSS. Only applicants, who are accepted at the GSS, will be asked to upload a short video of their presentation. Details about the videos will be announced well in advance of the Creativity & Cognition 2025 GSS. These pre-recorded presentations will serve as lead-ups to hopefully lively discussions with the mentors and the other participants.
Participants will be selected based on their anticipated contributions to the breadth and depth of the intellectual discussions in the GSS and motivation for participation.
Submission Details
Submissions to the GSS consist of the following items, which should all be submitted using the Precision Conference Solutions (PCS) website. The total amount of all submitted materials should not exceed 100 MB. If you are unsure of what constitutes a well-formed submission for the Creativity & Cognition conference series, please review the examples in the ACM Digital Library from our prior conferences.
Please note that submissions to the Creativity & Cognition 2025 GSS should NOT be anonymized.
The initial submission for the Creativity & Cognition 2025 GSS should include:
- A research document prepared using the ACM submission template (Latex and Word templates are available) in single-column format. The document should be between 2000 and 3000 words, excluding titles, references and figure/table captions.
- A biographical sketch of no more than 600 words, excluding any references. The sketch should be written as a letter of introduction focusing on the applicant’s motivation, expected benefits from participation in the GSS, and requests for feedback from peers and mentors.
- A brief letter of support from the student’s principal advisor.
Where to Submit
Please submit via the Precision Conference (PCS) website below:
Once you have logged into the PCS website, select the following options under “Submissions” and click the Go button:
- Society: SIGCHI
- Conference/Journal: Creativity & Cognition 2025
- Track: Creativity & Cognition 2025 Graduate Symposium
Publications Policy
- By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM’s new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects. Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of your paper, in addition to other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy. https://www.acm.org/publications/policies/research-involving-human-participants-and-subjects.
- Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID, so you can complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been involved in ORCID from the start and we have recently made a commitment to collect ORCID IDs from all of our published authors. The collection process has started and will roll out as a requirement throughout 2022. We are committed to improve author discoverability, ensure proper attribution and contribute to ongoing community efforts around name normalization; your ORCID ID will help in these efforts.
- The author of an accepted GSS submission must register for the conference and attend the symposium.
Contact: gss2025@cc.acm.org