Student Volunteers


Important Dates

Deadline for applications: 25th April 2025

Applicants informed of their acceptance or waitlist status: 1st May 2025

Conference: 23rd-25th June 2025

The conference will be taking place June 2025 remotely on Gather.Town.

Why Volunteer?

The organising committee of Creativity and Cognition 2025 (C&C 2025) is looking for student volunteers. Student volunteers (SVs) are essential to the success of the conference. We invite enthusiastic and reliable SVs to help us run C&C 2025. 

Being an SV provides a unique opportunity to contribute to organising a conference as well as interact closely with contributors, attendees, and your peers. In return for your work, you will get a full conference pass providing you access to all the paper sessions, posters and demos. It is a fantastic opportunity to use this event to build your professional network.

Being an SV is a very enriching experience. You will get to meet incredible people and make connections. In return for helping us during the conference, you will also have:

  • Free registration to the conference including the opportunity to listen to presentations (it covers conference fees). This is a particularly great opportunity as, because the conference is virtual, there are no travel or accommodation expenses!
  • An opportunity to network with other students and leading researchers.
  • Accepted SVs will be offered an opportunity to present a poster of their research during the conference. The poster session will take place alongside the main poster and tool demonstration session. These poster descriptions will not be included in the ACM Digital Library proceedings for the conference.

What We Ask of You

We are looking for enthusiastic, reliable, and friendly people, both experienced and those new to volunteering. You must be enrolled as an undergraduate, masters, or doctoral student between January to May in 2025 (e.g., Spring 2025). Students who are graduating at the time of the conference are also eligible to apply.

What Volunteers Do

As a SV, we ask you to:

  • Attend orientation sessions before the conference
  • Arrive at conference sessions in due time
  • Show up (virtually) on time to assigned tasks


SVs are not trained event managers, they are volunteers and conference attendees. All SVs agree to an informal contract and you are expected to be present at the entire conference from 23rd-25th June 2025.

SVs will fundamentally help to run many of the sessions, which means starting and ending the sessions, help the presenters, report and/or solve technical problems during the talks, processing registrations, operating the digital information desks, providing information about the conference to attendees, helping with traffic flow and answering queries on Gather.Town, running errands, and provide general assistance to keep the conference running smoothly. SVs will support the conference art exhibition. All SVs will have time to attend sessions during the conference.


We are asking that applicants apply via the CHISV online system:

You will need to register and then apply for C&C 2025. You will be asked a series of questions. We suggest that you prepare the following questions in advance:

  • Please outline your interests or studies in relation to the topics of the conference.
  • Please explain why you want to be an SV at the conference.
  • Confirm if you have attended a C&C conference before and in what capacity.
  • Confirm if you have been a SV, or other role, at another conference.
  • Please outline any technical skills you have that will support the running of the conference virtually, e.g., experience with Gather.Town
  • Please answer – why do you believe you would be a good addition to the SV program (e.g., you are great with people; you are a super organizational talent; you are quick to react; you have cool skills like photography, video editing, multiple languages, etc.)?

Brief responses are ok! We don’t expect more than a couple of sentences in response to each question. Bullet point is also fine.

If you have any questions please do contact us at




Yinmiao Li, Northwestern University

Giulia Di Fede, Politecnico di Milano