

Important Dates

Paper title and abstract deadline: January 30, 2025
Paper submission deadline: February 6, 2025
Supplementary materials due: February 8, 2025
Notifications sent to authors: March 20, 2025
Camera-ready deadline: April 17, 2025

Deadlines are specified as Anywhere on Earth time.

Papers Chairs

Cesar Torres, University of Texas at Arlington
Janin Koch, Inria Lille


Program Committee

To be announced.

Call Description

We are pleased to invite submissions for papers to the ACM Creativity and Cognition 2025 conference, which will be held online from June 23 to June 25, 2025. We encourage submissions that contribute with knowledge on various forms of creativity with topics ranging from designing or evaluating creativity-support environments and technologies to studying or reflecting on the experiences, practices, and cognitive processes in art, craft and design.

This year’s theme, Creativity for Change, responds to the rapid pace of change in our world and emphasizes the power of creativity in driving positive transformations.

Our conference will explore how creativity can inspire and enable sustainable approaches for societal transformation, decolonization, tackle climate action, preservation of cultural heritage and support place-making and peace-making in urban and cultural contexts. The theme of “making a better world through creativity” will be a key component throughout the conference program.

We invite submissions across a range of categories that examine how interactive systems, design, and creative processes can foster positive change and respond to global challenges. Creativity will be the lens through which we view societal issues, showcasing how creative approaches can open up new possibilities.

Creativity and Cognition 2025 will be an online conference. Accepted submissions will be expected to have at least one author registered and present at the virtual conference from June 23 to June 25, 2025.

Accepted full and short papers will be included in the Proceedings of the ACM Creativity and Cognition 2025 conference, and will be made available in the ACM Digital Library. Authors of accepted full papers also have the opportunity to join ACM Creativity and Cognition 2026 in London (UK) for poster or full presentations (for best papers).


We welcome high-quality submissions on a range of topics including, but not limited this year’s conference topics at [this link]

Submission Details

Abstract and Metadata Submission Deadline: Authors must submit their title, abstract (150 words max), list of authors, and other metadata by January 30, 2025 (Anywhere on Earth, AOE). Only the contact author can edit the submission files. An abstract submission for this conference is not a reviewed submission like in other disciplines. Instead, it serves as an intent-to-submit—helping organizers anticipate the volume of full paper submissions. A full paper is required for the work to be eligible for review.

Main Paper Deadline: The corresponding full paper should be prepared using the ACM submission template (Latex and Word templates are available) in single-column format. Papers must be submitted as a PDF file in PCS until February 6, 2025 (Anywhere on Earth, AOE). The maximum length for papers is 8,000 words excluding the title, references and figure/table captions. We encourage authors to ensure that the length of their papers aligns with the significance of their contribution, originality, validity, and strength of the arguments presented. Papers that do not meet these criteria may be desk rejected.

Video and Supplementary Material Deadline: Authors may include video figures with their paper submission for review purposes. While these are strongly encouraged, they are not mandatory. Video figures are supplementary material designed to highlight the key points of the paper; they typically last up to three minutes. Video figures of accepted submissions are archived in the ACM Digital Library along with the paper. All video figures must include closed captions for accessibility. For guidance on creating high-quality, accessible video figures, refer to the CHI guidelines. Please note that supplementary materials can be submitted up until February 8, 2025 (Anywhere on Earth, AOE).

The total size of all submitted materials, including a video figure, must not exceed 100Mb.

Anonymization Policy

All papers must be anonymized for review. Papers that violate the anonymization policy will be desk rejected. We are using the ACM CHI Anonymization Policy of blind reviewing. We use a relaxed policy that does not require removing all traces of identity from the body of the paper.

Common violations that serve as grounds to desk rejection include:

  • Authors are expected to remove author and institutional identities from the title and header areas of the paper, as noted in the submission instructions. Simply changing the text color is not enough. Authors of accepted submissions will add this information in the “camera-ready” version.
  • Authors should also remove any information in the acknowledgements section that reveals authors or the institution (e.g., specific supporting grant information).
  • Mentioning overly detailed descriptions of where user studies were conducted or their funders.
  • Mentioning the funders of the work including government, industrial, or academic sponsors in any part of the manuscript.
  • Revealing the identity of the authors within supplemental materials or external links to datasets or code repositories. For example, Google Drive links can show the document owner.
  • Including identifying information in the document’s metadata (e.g., the ‘Authors’ field in your word processor’s ‘Save As’ dialog box).

Further anonymization within the body of the paper is left to the authors’ discretion.

Citing Your Previous Work

Authors should not anonymize citations to their own previous work. Instead, authors must refer to their own work in the third person, e.g., avoid “As described in our previous work [10], … ” and use instead “As described by Jones et al. [10], …”

This is needed for reviewers to ensure that all relevant research has been considered.

Publications Policy

  1. ACM Publications Policies: By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM’s guidance on Prior Publication and Simultaneous Submissions, Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects and the new ACM Publication Policy on Authorship. Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of your paper, in addition to other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy. This post provides a useful guide to the ACM publication policies.
  2. ORCID: Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID, so you can complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been involved in ORCID from the start and we have recently made a commitment to collect ORCID IDs from all of our published authors. We are committed to improve author discoverability, ensure proper attribution and contribute to ongoing community efforts around name normalization; your ORCID ID will help in these efforts.
  3. Accessibility: Accessible submissions are essential for reviewers and are good practice. Authors are expected to follow SIGCHI’s Guide to an Accessible Submission. If you have any questions or concerns about creating accessible submissions, please contact the Accessibility Chairs at To make sure we can address your needs, please make sure your requests reach us at least one week prior to your submission date. Requests made closer to the deadline may be harder for the team to accommodate fully. Papers flagged as inaccessible by a reviewer will have to be reassigned. Note that subcommittees strive to match the best reviewer to each paper – the best reviewers for the work may not be able to review an inaccessible submission.
  4. Inclusivity: Authors should ensure their work and writing are as inclusive as possible; where this is not possible, it should be acknowledged. For example, authors should use gender-inclusive language when developing their papers (see HCI Guidelines for Gender Equity and Inclusivity) and consider which communities your work does – or does not- support, along with its geographical context.
  5. Attendance: At least one author of an accepted paper must register for the conference and present the work at the online conference. Otherwise, the paper will not be published in the ACM digital library.

Where to Submit

Please submit through the Precision Conference (PCS) website: [PCS link]

Once you have logged into the PCS website, select the following options (available from December 2024) under “Submissions” and click the Go button.

  • Society: SIGCHI
  • Conference/Journal: Creativity & Cognition 2025
  • Track: Creativity & Cognition 2025 Papers

Review Process

Papers will go through a rigorous blind peer review process, which is managed by the Creativity & Cognition 2025 Program Committee. Your submission will remain confidential throughout the review. Each paper will be reviewed by two PC members along with two external reviewers. As in related conferences, papers will be reviewed based on the significance of the contribution, originality, validity, and the soundness of the arguments.


For questions about the papers submission process, please reach out to

For questions about the submission template, please reach out to