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The 2023 conference has now concluded.
Please see 2024 conference website for information on the upcoming conference.

See this year’s program here.

Welcome to the 15th ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition is displayed. Origami birds are flying away from the message.

The organizing committee invites you to a week of art, science, and networking at a three-day conference on Gather, June 19-21, 2023














Creativity involves the generation, exploration, and interpretation of novel and valuable ideas, and spans a wide variety of fields, including the humanities, social sciences, engineering, art, design, choreography, computer science, psychology, and education. C&C 2023 invites contributions in typical research formats – papers, posters, demos, workshops and tutorials – and in more sensory, experiential forms – pictorials and artworks. See the call for participation for more details.

Since 1993, this conference series brings together artists, scientists, designers, educators, and researchers to more deeply understand how people engage individually and socially in creative processes and how computation and other technology can affect creative outcomes.

















Organic Creative Spaces

The notion of organic creative spaces is inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright’s Organic Architecture. Defined as both a philosophy and a practice in the architecture discipline, organic architecture uses minimalist forms, materials, spaces and design considerations that blend with their natural environments. These may vary from the digital sphere (Gather in 2023) to a physical one (a gallery space in 2024), but both platforms encourage the re-invention, re-interpretation, and re-situating of materials to span our most occupied creative spaces and the way they are realized in community and collective practice.

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