The 13th ACM Conference on Creativity & Cognition

The organizing committee invites you to online conference on 22-23,  June 2021.


Creativity involves the generation, exploration, and interpretation of novel and valuable ideas, and spans a wide variety of fields, including the humanities, social sciences, engineering, art, design, choreography, computer science, psychology, and education. C&C 2022 invites contributions in typical research formats – papers, posters, demos, workshops and tutorials – and in more sensory, experiential forms – pictorials and artworks. See the call for participation for more details.

Note: The current COVID-19 pandemic might raise questions for authors interested in submitting their work to C&C 2021. The event is expected to take place face-to-face, and/or through virtual participation if needed. The conference chairs are in ongoing discussions with ACM and SigCHI to explore contingency plans in the event that C&C 2021 is cancelled or held with restrictions. If no such restrictions occur, we require as usual, that at least one author of an accepted submission will register and attend the conference to present. 

Since 1993, this conference series brings together artists, scientists, designers, educators, and researchers to more deeply understand how people engage individually and socially in creative processes and how computation and other technology can affect creative outcomes.

Due to the ongoing COVID pandemic, the 13th conference on Creativity & Cognition will now take place virtually over two days in June 2021: 22 and 23. The 14th conference on Creativity & Cognition will then be located in Venice, Italy on the Isola San Servolo in June 2022.

Both conferences will explore the themes of creativity, craft and design that are strongly connected to Venice. In 2021, during the virtual conference, the virtual conference will open up Venice to the world through explorations of these themes. Then, in 2022, the world will come to Venice to discover, engage with and learn about creativity, craft and design reshaping the Venetian region.

Attending? Start here.

Not yet registered – see here.


Theme: Creativity, Craft, and Design

Creativity, craft, and design are strongly connected to Venice. Venice and the Veneto are renowned for the development and retention of craft design skills in, for example, glass, furniture, fashion and clothing, printing, and architecture. Creativity, art, and culture are reshaping business and design in the region. The city’s cultural and creative industries are increasing influential at the intersections of creativity, innovation, design, and marketing.

To reflect this location, the C&C 2021 conference is especially seeking contributions that explore the intersections of creativity, craft, and design.