Posters Published at C&C 2022
Supporting Designers in the Sharing Economy Through a Generative Design Cards Toolkit
Anton Fedosov, Ozge Subasi, Lisa Ochsenbein, Elaine M. Huang
Interactive Cartoon Animation through Collaborative Storytelling: A Field Study
Sang-Na Lin, Meng-Yang Chen, Na Chen, Min-Zhi Shao
Instrumenting Virtual Reality for Priming Cultural Differences in Design Creativity
Zhengya Gong, Mengru Wang, Vijayakumar Nanjappan, Georgi V. Georgiev
Supporting Fast Design: The Potential of Hackathons for Co-Creative Systems
Jeanette Falk, Faith Young
The Non-myth of the Noble Red: Exploring Brechtian Principles of Storytelling and Performance in the Authoring of a Tangible Narrative
Daniel Echeverri
Creating stories of learning, for learning: Exploring the potential of self-narrative in education with ‘Our Journey’
Tim Coughlan, Kate Lister
Shmoodle: Communication through Collaborative Drawing with an Emotionally Controlled Color Palette
Ariel Sagie, Michal Rinott
Improve User Experience by Adjusting Draft Design through Retouching System for Paper-cutting Production}
Takafumi Higashi
Morphing Matter for Girls
Harshika Jain, Alisha Collins, Melinda Chen, Lining Yao
Analysis of team-based cognitive-affective states in STEAM education
Ana Isabel Montero Izquierdo, Margarida Romero Romero
Exploring the creative process in a brainstorming session to develop a web-based system for idea selection
Ana Rodrigues, David Honório, Diogo Cabral, Pedro F. Campos
Challenging the Vision-Driven Culture in Immersive Experience: Designing Taoisonic Zone
Xiaohan Liao
Exploring the Narrative Construction of Situated Co-Speculation through Fiction Collages
Yi-Ning Chen, Wenn-Chieh Tsai
Khong Khro: Visual biofeedback for focus meditations
Matthew Mosher
Quantum Mechanics, Ambiguity and Design: Towards a Framework
Bas Verstegen, Elif Ozcan, Stefano Delle Monache
Stories of Herbs
Eshbal Hezroni, Shachar Geiger, Michal Rinott
How different artifacts elicit different caregiver-child interactions: An examination of book sharing and puzzle play
Andrew Mertens, Eliana Colunga
Posters Published at C&C 2021, Being Presented at C&C 2022
Utopian or Dystopian?: using a ML-assisted image generation game to empower the general public to envision the future
Janet Rafner