2022 Call for Technical Demonstrations
Important Dates
- Submission Due: April 14th, 2022, 11:59 PM
- Notifications: April 25th, 2022 May 3rd, 2022
- Camera-ready completion deadline: May 9th, 2022, 11:59 PM May 16th, 2022, 11:59 PM
Deadlines are specified as Anywhere on Earth time. The submission site will open in December, 2021.
Demos Chairs
- Alwin de Rooij, Tilburg University
- Duri Long, Georgia Institute of Technology
Contact demos2022@cc.acm.org
Call Description
We invite researchers and practitioners to submit demonstrations that explore the research themes of Creativity & Cognition, especially demonstrations focused on this year’s conference theme of Creativity, Craft, and Design (see Call for Participation). This includes—but is not limited to—demonstrations of novel interfaces, systems, materials, devices, games, techno-craft, and other interactive experiences that invite, support, or enhance creativity, craft, or design. Submissions should specifically describe how demos will invite participation from or otherwise engage the conference attendees. Demos will be showcased at the conference during a dedicated poster-demo session.
The length of each submission should be no more than 2,000 words excluding titles, references and figure/table captions. Authors must include an additional document describing the technical requirements of the demonstration, such as requirements for space, lighting, electrical power, network connections, projectors, screens, etc. The authors should clearly state which items they will be providing and which items they would need the conference to provide. It is advisable to include in this document a photo or mock-up of the demonstration showing the envisioned set up. This information must be submitted as a supplementary document in the submission system. Accepted submissions will be published in the conference proceedings.
Format and Submission Details
Demos submissions should be up to 2000 words (excluding titles, references and figure/table captions) following the single column ACM Submission Template. The submission should include:
- Anonymized demo abstract (2000 words limit excluding references) prepared in the single column ACM Submission Template. Submissions longer than 2000 words will be automatically rejected. Please refer to the ACM publication workflow for more information on the single column template.
- Anonymized supplementary PDF describing the technical requirements of the demonstration.
- Anonymized video figure (optional, strongly encouraged)
- The total size of all submitted materials, including a video figure, should not exceed 100 MB.
- Please follow appropriate guidelines to make your submission accessible.
Publications Policy
As a published ACM author, you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM’s new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects.
Where to Submit
Please submit via the Precision Conference (PCS) website below:
Once you have logged into the PCS website, select the following options under “Submissions” and click the Go button.
- Society: SIGCHI
- Conference/Journal: Creativity & Cognition 2022
- Track: Creativity & Cognition 2022 Demos
Video Figures (optional)
Your submission may be accompanied by a short video or by other supplementary material. Video figures do not have a specified limit for duration, although we recommend staying within 5 minutes. They are strongly encouraged but not required. The CHI and UIST guides to producing video figures are useful. Video figures should be anonymised as well.
Selection Process
Demonstrations will be juried—reviewed by a committee with external reviewers. Authors who submit may expect to receive light feedback of up to a few paragraphs in length. Demonstrations that cannot be reasonably accommodated based on the requirements described by the authors will be rejected.
Demonstrations will be reviewed independent of other tracks. Therefore, for example, if authors want to submit both a demonstration and a poster, the authors need to make two separate submissions, one for the demonstration and one for poster, as described in the respective calls.
Incomplete and incorrect submission content or formats will be automatically rejected. Late submissions are not permitted. Authors may submit to both the poster and demo tracks through two separate submissions. However, both submissions must address significantly different aspects of the research to warrant two publications and presentations. Submissions deemed too similar will be considered a demo submission only and rejected from the poster track.