2022 Call for Tutorials
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: January 24th, 2022, 11:59 PM
- Notifications: February 7th, 2022
- Camera-Ready Submission deadline: May 2nd, 2022, 11:59 PM
- Tutorials Day: June 20th 2022.
Deadlines are specified as Anywhere on Earth time. The submission site will open in December, 2021.
Tutorials Chairs
- Joel Chan, University of Maryland
- Dan Lockton, Eindhoven University of Technology
Contact tutorials2022@cc.acm.org
Call Description
ACM Creativity & Cognition is a multi-disciplinary conference covering a broad range of topics. The conference brings together artists and scientists, designers, educators, and researchers. We seek to understand human creativity in its many manifestations, to design new interactive techniques and tools to augment and amplify human creativity, and to use computational media technologies to explore new creative processes and artifacts in all human endeavors ranging from the arts to science, from design to education.
What is a C&C Tutorial?
The goal of both tutorials and workshops is to foster discussions and innovative experiences via collaborations and lessons from different areas. Tutorials allow C&C attendees, including practitioners who might not usually attend an academic conference, to extend their knowledge beyond their current area(s) of expertise. The aim is that they help people to 1) explore new methods, techniques, and practices, 2) develop new skills in order to innovate, and 3) become inspired to pursue new ideas. Participants will include creative professionals who can utilise some of the rich knowledge that the C&C communities have, applied in their businesses and organisations—industry managers, practitioners, students and researchers. Tutorials can be designed for novices, experts, or audiences with general interest – the expected audience should be clear in the proposal.
In particular, in the spirit of the conference theme (Creativity, Craft and Design), we especially welcome proposals that center the experience of creativity in craft and design (and related settings), and bridge the practice of craft and design with theories and tools for creativity. Our venue this year — renowned for its development and retention of craft design skills and rich culture of creativity and design — also affords an especially rich opportunity to engage with both the history of creativity in craft, as well as existing and future practices.
For example, Tutorials could cover topic such as:
- Digital for creative problem solving in business
- New creative design skills
- Creative leadership in an uncertain world
- How to use AI for creative advantage
- Creative intelligence in business
- More creative digital transformation
- Creative thinking in a world of pandemics
Tutorials are different to Workshops – Workshops are meetings of experts exploring new knowledge, while Tutorials are run by expert instructors, typically with established reputations, teaching people new to a topic or wanting to align or intersect their practice with the latest academic research.
For organizers, there is the benefit of being able to do research with practitioners (Lockton and Lallemand, 2020) (e.g. through trying out a method or tool), or to build collaborations and community around a topic. Organizers should plan on promoting their event amongst their own peer networks and on mailing lists, including practitioner and professional groups. The event will also be published on the conference website. Tutorials may be cancelled or combined if there is insufficient participation.
Dan Lockton and Carine Lallemand. 2020. Meeting Designers Where They Are: Using Industry Events as a Research Venue for HCI and Design Methods Development. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1–13. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3313831.3376206
Other notes:
- Evaluation: Content is rigorously juried by the committee for suitability as a workshop or tutorial, and interest to the community.
- Date: Tutorials will run for a full day on Monday June 20th 2022, which is the day before the main conference track. One-day registrations will be available for participants who wish to attend only tutorials.
- Engagement: For both workshops and tutorials, we encourage submissions which offer interactive and participatory methods, and who aim to engage the wider community in the field. We encourage submissions which seek to go beyond solely academic audiences, for example through engaging practitioners.
- Off-site Venues: Several makerspaces and design studios throughout Venice have offered to host one-day workshops as an alternative to holding them at the conference hotel. This provides an excellent opportunity for workshop participants to work in a more creative space than a typical workshop, to interact with the local community, and to be situated closer to an urban environment. Workshop organizers should indicate if they would be interested in this option and provide some statement about the kind of creative space desired. We will notify organizers if this opportunity comes to fruition. By default, all workshops will be in the hotel.
Format and Submission Details
In keeping with new SIGCHI guidelines, there is no formal page limit; however, we encourage authors to adhere to the typical level of conciseness of workshop submissions (approximately 4,000-5,000 words, excluding captions and references, in single-column format in the new ACM SIGCHI template).
The submission should include:
- Title, name(s) of organizer(s) and affiliations
- Topic and distinctive characteristics of the tutorial
- Relevance and significance of this topic to the community
- Tutorial tentative schedule (how it will be run?)
- Anticipated audience, proposed channels for promoting and marketing it
- Length: full day or half day
- Number of intended participants (max, min)
- Include the bio of the organizers, highlighting their background and achievements related to the proposed topic
- Venue requirements: especially note any hardware/software requirements (computer lab, tools, workshop, software applications). Please indicate if there are any safety implications (e.g., soldering) that may need health and safety compliance.
- If you require any technical or specialist equipment, indicate clearly if you will be supplying it yourself or whether other arrangements need to be made.
Seeking Help
It is important that your submission is formatted correctly. Incorrectly formatted submissions might be rejected. Online guidance is available from the ACM at: https://www.acm.org/publications/authors/submissions. Examples of formatted submissions to last year’s C&C conference can be found here. If you have questions, or are seeking guidance about formatting your submission, you can either fill out the form on the publication support portal at https://publication2022.hipporello.net/desk or write an email to support@publication2022.hipporello.net.
Where to Submit
Please submit via the Precision Conference (PCS) website below:
Once you have logged into the PCS website, select the following options under “Submissions” and click the Go button.
- Society: SIGCHI
- Conference/Journal: Creativity & Cognition 2021
- Track: Creativity & Cognition 2021 Tutorials