The C&C’22 conference is delighted to announce a free public event to explore the nature of creativity, design and craft across the traditional and digital sectors. The coordinates of the event are:
Date: Sunday 19th June Time: 16.00-17.30
Place: Querini Stampalia, Campo Santa Maria Formosa, Castello, Venezia
The website of the venue is here.
The event will bring together four speakers from different backgrounds but a shared interest in creativity and craft.
Venice is famous for its crafts and craftspeople. Two Venetian masters in their crafts will talk about their work, their use of materials, the nature of their craft, and the role of creativity in it.
Data is increasingly treated as a material for designing digital products and artificial intelligence solutions. Two experts in general new digital technologies will also talk their work as a craft, use of data as material, and the role of creativity in it.
These talks will provide a fascinating and thought-provoking juxtaposition that explores similarities and differences between craft and design across the centuries. The event will be compared by Dishtia Turakhai, an HCI researcher, computational designer and architect at MIT. You can read more about Dishita at:
Our agreed speakers are:
Piero Dri
A craftsman making oars and oarlocks in Venice – one of four working in the city today. You can read about his work and his workshop at
Duri Long
A research scientist at Georgia Tech, moving to Northwestern University as an Assistant Professor. You can read about her work at:
Janet Rafner
Director of Learning at Aarhus University exploring how generative artificial intelligence can support human creativity. You can read more about her at
Giovanna Zannella
A master shoemaker producing handmade shoes in the heart of Venice. You can read about her work at